
Jalene Mauws – CEO  (780) 853-2000

Raised in a small community south of Camrose, Jalene moved to the County of Vermilion River area in 2010 to reside with her husband. After a few years of working in Lloydminster she decided to devote her time to her young family by staying home with their children.  In January of 2019 Jalene joined CLASS as the Program Coordinator, in September 2020 she became CEO.  Jalene is very excited about continuing to share her passion for helping others and learning. She is looking forward to all the future has to offer with our organization.

Program Coordinator (780) 853-2000

Gary Walsh: Chairperson


Gary Walsh recently retired after a 44 year career as a Conservation Officer/Park Ranger with the Alberta Provincial Park Service. He received his diploma in Recreational Lands Management (Conservation Education) from Lethbridge Community College in 1975. He started working as a Park Ranger in Cypress Hills Provincial Park that spring and married Judy that fall. They have three children and eight grandchildren. His family is his number one passion. He grew up on a farm near Lloydminster and has lived in Vermilion since 1990. He loves the outdoors, as well as travelling all over the world. He has three years of board experience with the Vermilion Public Library and comes with many qualities to contribute to the CLASS board. Gary has been a CLASS society member for many years and wants to assist others in learning and continuing their education. He also wants Newcomers to Canada to feel welcome, wanted and safe.


Gordon Hills: Vice Chairperson


Gordon joined CLASS in 2008 as a Volunteer tutor and taught a 78 year old man just learning how to read and write.  In 2011, he became a Board Member, and quickly showed his expertise in Board Governance.  Gordon’s wit keeps the Board and Staff smiling while showing his wisdom and fatherly guidance over this organization.    Gordon continues to tutor English Language Students and is active in the Royal Canadian Legion.   Gordon and his wife Cicely have one daughter and two grandchildren.

Alva (2)

Alva Andersen: Treasurer

Alva has worked at Lakeland College for 27 years.  Her current job is Student Accounts Coordinator. Her education came from Camrose Lutheran College and she completed her Professional

Accounting Diploma at Lakeland College in June 2009.  Her financial expertise is an essential role at CLASS.  She has been on the CLASS Board for 10 years serving in a variety of positions.  Alva was raised on a farm near Kitscoty.  She has lived in Vermilion for 15 years, and brings her knowledge of rural living to our organization.  Alva enjoys traveling and being an Auntie to her multitude of nephews and nieces.


Leanne Martin: Secretary

I grew up on a farm near Saskatoon, SK and moved to Vermilion to go to Lakeland College in September 2004. I had originally planned to only live in Vermilion for two years, but that plan quickly flew out the window when I fell in love and married a local guy. Both Kevin and I feel that it is important to volunteer within our community so you will often see us out and about volunteering or sitting on boards with our son Aiden in tow who is learning very quickly what volunteerism is all about. I really do believe that small businesses are the heart of our community and when the opportunity to become the Vermilion & District Chamber of Commerce Executive Director came up I jumped at the chance to have the opportunity to not only help our local businesses but our community.


Fred Matthews: Director

Elizabeth Myhovich: Director

Society Members

  • Gary Walsh
  • Alva Anderson
  • Jalene Mauws
  • Carol Coleman
  • Elizabeth Myhovich
  • Gordon Hills
  • Ashley Gilchrist-Garand
  • Cicely Joan Hills


Vermilion Lakeland College

Town of Vermilion

Vermilion Public Library

Buffalo Trail Schools

Funding Provided By


Aboriginal and Community Connections Alberta Advanced Education

Donations and Fundraisers

Photo credit for the two graphics on this page: Clint Hickson.